Classes & Events
All Cake Classes, Parties and Private Events include a private chef that comes to your location with all supplies needed to create your custom design. Each guest takes home their own creation.
Valentine's Day Picnic & Scavenger Hunt - General Admission
This Valentine's Day picnic experience will have couples solving clues and riddles to uncover hidden gems in the beautiful Kissimmee Lakefront Park and collect gourmet foods and romantic souvenirs to enjoy at a secret picnic location. Each stop is a mystery only found by solving scavenger hunt styled clues and riddles. Couples will finish their adventure at a group park location and enjoy a well-earned picnic and games.
INCLUDES: Picnic Tote, Charcuterie Box, Dessert Box, Flowers, Bubbly, Music, Games, Souvenirs & Photo Ops
WHAT TO BRING: A Blanket or Folding Chairs to enjoy your well earned picnic items and games
* Contact Us for Proposal Options
Upcoming Events
Orlando Brunchfest
Orlando loves brunch, so we are putting together a festival to celebrate some of the best restaurants in the brunch game serving up tasting size portions of the brunch items they do best. Enjoy FOOD, BOTTOMLESS DRINKS & LIVE MUSIC!
⏰ Time: VIP @11AM & General Admission 12PM – 3 PM
🍱 Enjoy Dynamic Menus With Plenty of Options and Varieties
🍾 Mimosas 🥂 & 🍹 Drink Specials All Event Long
🥤 Drink free with your Orlando Brunchfest Souvenir Cup
🎵 Onstage DJ will be Giving Us a Party Vibe with all the Top Hits
📸 Professional Photographers & Photo Ops
Ready to order your cake?
Have you decided on your cake design and got your price quote already?
Deposits are only accepted for orders that have received confirmation of date availability. Please text us for a quote before adding it to your cart.